I am an experienced Primary school teacher with over twenty years experience in EYFS, KS1 and KS2. I have made and used all of the interactive topic based lesson plans, power-points and resources in this shop with my classes. I hope you enjoy using them with your classes too.
I am an experienced Primary school teacher with over twenty years experience in EYFS, KS1 and KS2. I have made and used all of the interactive topic based lesson plans, power-points and resources in this shop with my classes. I hope you enjoy using them with your classes too.
National Poetry Day KS1 and KS2 Assembly.
A simply written whole school assembly to cover the main aspects of National Poetry Day which can be used in the days preceding or on 3rd October.
Power-point of 27 slides which include:
Suggested music, video clip and hymns.
Short poetry task using suggestions from the pupils after listening to an audio sound effect. (Teacher instructions included in red).
What are poems?
5 short poems or extracts to demonstrate 5 different poetry structures.
Using figurative language and example extracts from poems. (alliteration, simile etc)
About National Poetry Day and the theme of ‘counting’ and some ideas to explore including song link ‘Count on me’ Bruno Mars.
Some ideas that people may do on National Poetry Day plus three suggestions for your school (class, individual and whole school).
Final prayer.
Links well with topics on poetry, figurative language, creative writing, famous poets, feelings.
Remembrance Day KS1 and KS2 Assembly.
A simply written whole school assembly to cover the main aspects of Remembrance Day which can be used in the days preceding or on 11th November. A 2 minute silence can be easily slotted into the assembly where you chose and can be followed with the post horn sounding (link included).
Power-point of 15 slides which include:
Suggested music (links to post horn and orchestra) and hymns.
Date of Remembrance Day (11th of 11th at 11 o’ clock).
King George V proclamation for 2 minutes silence.
Brief information about World War I, the Cenotaph and the Grave of the Unknown Warrior.
Poem ‘Flanders Fields’.
The symbol of the poppy.
A short prayer.
Harvest Assembly and supporting powerpoint.
This assembly is complete but can be mixed or edited according to time limitations or pupil numbers/abilities. There are sufficient parts for 2 classes of KS2 pupils or pupils reading and taking acting/ speaking roles.
The Assembly begins with a short introduction and information about harvest traditions and moves onto crops and grains harvested with a harvest Alphabet. The powerpoint has images which support the pupil text if you wish to use it. There are suggestions for well known songs and hymns at key points in the assembly. There is a prayer of thanks in the form of a poem which leads onto thanks to the parents/carers for their harvest donations.
A short play depicts the theme of sharing with those who need it and moves onto supporting our planet and the climate issues it faces. (a summary of props is included on the playscript).
The assembly ends with a ‘Happy Harvest’ where pupils can show their paintings or pictures as they read out short captions.
My class made bread and we inserted pictures of the baking process (including the sticky hands and floury faces!) into the powerpoint. Also, the small recorder group played a short song and we took their photos and inserted them into the powerpoint.
The children’s scripts were numbered so they sat in order of speaking (and moved if they had more than one part) and their script cards (their words) were mounted on Autumn pictures or collages made by the children and held up for the audience to see after speaking.
I hope you enjoy this assembly and have fun with your children.
Diwali KS1 and KS2 Assembly.
A simply written whole school assembly to cover the main aspects of Diwali which can be used in the days preceding or on 1st November.
Power-point of 25 slides which include:
Suggested music (links to Diwali Festival Song for pupils to sing-a-long and Anuradha Pal playing Tabla drum to celebrate Diwali fireworks) and hymns.
Date of Diwali each year.
Meaning of Diwali and the theme of good over evil/light over dark.
Diwali preparations and celebrations.
The story of Rama and Sita.
A short prayer.
Ancient Greek Olympics KS1 and KS2 Assembly.
A simply written whole school assembly to cover the main aspects of the Ancient Greek Olympics which can be used in the days preceding the Olympic Games. A link (on last slide) to traditional Greek music played on a lyre can be easily slotted into the assembly if you chose.
Power-point of 30 slides which include:
Suggested music, video clip and hymns.
The meaning behind the Olympic rings and the Olympic motto.
Ancient Greece and the important kingdoms of Athens and Sparta.
The first Olympics in Olympia and the competitions held there. Image of the remains of the stadium today and image of how Olympia may have looked.
Facts about the differences between the games today and in Ancient Greece. The honouring of Zeus, the opening ceremonies, symbolism of lighting the torch.
The Ancient Greek sporting events and the experience of the spectators.
Final prayer.
Links well with topics on The Modern Olympics, Greece, Ancient Greeks, Health, sports and fitness, Sports Day, Going for Gold.
End of year certificates. Set of 34 individual awards with fun and interesting award titles:
Person most likely to:
Win an Oscar
Become Prime Minister
Set a world record
Be on a TV show
Save the planet
Become a millionaire
Be a blogger
Be in a boy band
Become a famous chef
Find a cure for a disease
Start a charity
Become Dr Who’s Assistant
Create a famous piece of artwork
Become a footballer
Be a dancer
Be a comedian
Fight for a cause
Protect other people
Be a stunt person
Be a fashion designer
Be on a TV soap
Work on or in water
Work in transport
Be an accountant
Write a Number 1 song
Be a famous gamer
Invent a gadget
Write a best seller
Work with children
Work with animals
Travel the world
Be in a girl band
Spy for MI6
Go to space
Behaviour for Learning pupil self-evaluation template. Suitable for Primary/Secondary. Pupilscan identify their strengths and areas for development in individual lessons, specific subjects or over an identified timescale. This template makes it easy for pupils to identify ways to improve their behaviour for learning in lessons and with groups and set realistic targets. Can be used as part of a single lesson or at the end of a series of lessons. Also suitable for PSHCE/Tutor time, behaviour management reviews or for SENCOs or TAs to support pupils with SEN. Can be used as a record to monitor pupil progress over an academic school year and share with parents.
End of year certificates. Set of 30 individual awards with fun and interesting curriculum titles and encouraging comments:
You are a (see list below) Superhero:
Small World
Have a go
Class organiser
Role play
Class busy bee
Happiness and joy
Super listener
KS1 and 2 Bread and grains complete ppt lesson.
Learning Objectives:
To name the grains used to make bread.
To name other foods which are made with grains.
To explain when the growing cycle begins and ends.
To understand what a farmer does to make sure grains get from the earth to our tables.
To sequence the stages of making bread.
The slides include photographs of grains, bread and farming. At specific points there are short paired talk activities and simple activities with worksheets for key point.
There are 2 video links – flour production and making bread plus a research worksheet for different bread descriptions. There is a homework research task to interview family members about their views on bread.
Links with Cross curricular topics of ‘Seasons’, ‘Autumn’, ‘Food’, ‘Farms’, ‘Food production’ and ‘Harvest’.
Set of two Book review blank templates. KS1 and KS2. A quick review resource for pupils to use to comment on books they have read in class, as part of World Book Day or library events. Space to write a short summary, draw a favourite character and rate the illustrations and text difficulty. Great to use in a class library for pupils to share ideas about their favourite fiction and non -fiction texts.
KS2 Puzzle workbook.
A booklet of 20 puzzles and brainteasers for creative pupils. A mix of short activities to challenge your pupils and extend their thinking. Answers included at the end of the booklet.
A fun activity for end of term, end of SATs or as a purposeful filler for early finishers.
Question 1 Word maker. Make as many words as possible from a short phrase.
Question 2 Favourite after school things.
Question 3 Get creative! Describing school.
Question 4 Ditloids. 9 to solve.
Question 5 Brainteasers. 8 picture clues to solve.
Question 6 Which domino comes next in the sequence?
Question 7 How old am I? Work out the ages of 6 children from clues.
Question 8 Finding triangles within triangles.
Question 9 A confusing reading activity!
Question 10 A small stick challenge.
Question 11 family problem solver.
Question 12 Animal number substitutions
Question 13 Compound word pictures
Question 14 Another brainteaser.
Question 15 Solve the value of the strawberry!
Question 16 Solve the value of the umbrella.
Question 17 4 Maths puzzles.
Question 18 What do the objects have in common?
Question 19 Famous historical dates in Roman numerals
Question 20 Solve the word ladder.
Sports Day KS1 and KS2 Assembly.
A simply written whole school assembly or short lesson to cover the main aspects of Sports Day which can be used in the days preceding or on the day itself.
Power-point of 33 slides which include:
Suggested music, video clip and hymns.
Pupil perceptions of Sports Day (exciting, worrying, confident etc).
Brief bio of two world famous Jamaican sprinters – Usain Bolt and Shelly Ann Fraser-Pryce.
The first ever Jamaican 4-man bobsled team who competed in 1988 winter Olympics. Includes information on bobsledding, the course and the challenges faced by the Jamaican team. Short youtube clip of the bobsled team and the crash which prevented them qualifying but didn’t stop them competing again, an inspiration to others and what we can learn from all the Jamaican athletes.
5 slides structured for you to input information about your own sports day (where, when, kit, prizes etc)
Ideas for the pupils: kind things to say after the race/events.
Final prayer for sports day.
Links well with topics on Olympics, Sporting-heroes, Going for gold, Feelings, Coping with challenges.
Visual timetable cards. Set of 36 of the most commonly used classroom tasks and subjects with simple text and images. Includes individual cards for the 7 days of the week and cards for ‘afternoon’ and ‘morning’.
The words on the cards are: Lunch, swimming, wash hands, milk time, circle time, talk and share time, surprise time, Assembly, reading practise, writing practise, handwriting, dance, library, PE and games, outdoor learning, music, playtime, drama, Maths/numeracy, computing, RE, citizenship, learning a language, healthy living, growing things, school visit, topic work, phonics and spelling, baking, design technology, toilet, science, history, art, geography.
Useful to help children of most ages and abilities use a timeline to predict and prepare for the order of the daily activities.
Creativity Bubbles.
Set of 3, one for each Key Stage, modified with statements which enable pupils to recognise when they are being creative in lessons. The statements are categorised under three headings: imagination, originality and evaluation.
Can be used by the teacher to measure pupil progress, peer to peer observation and self-assessment in creative learning.
I have used these in all Key Stages, initially asking children as a class which tasks could be identified as creative eg ‘I think of unusual ways of doing things’ in a PE lesson – pupils were able to give examples of travelling sequences using mats and small apparatus saying specifically how their moves were different or unusual to that of their peers.
Can be useful to use to prompt self and peer assessment in subjects which are not perceived as ‘creative’ by pupils eg Maths, Science, Geography.
KS1 & 2 powerpoint lesson about Sun Safety. Written mainly for KS1 but can be easily adapted. Powerpoint of 18 slides which promotes small group and paired discussion about sun safety. Can be used as a complete lesson or adapted for an assembly. The first slides look at fun in the sun and lead into some simple facts about the sun following a short paired talk session to assess pupil knowledge. Pupils are encouraged to look at different photographs of the sun and describe features. There is a very simple slide on Vitamin D and UV rays linked to health. The children can discuss how to protect themselves in the sun and when to wear sunscreen. The final slides include an example of a sun safety poster which pupils can use as a basis to design their own for the rest of the school (and which can be used as an assessment of their learning).
Pupil Council promise and set of membership cards. KS1 & 2. Ideal for newly elected pupil council members to sign up to their key values. Pupil Council ID card templates ready to cut out for pupils to complete and make into a badge, lanyard or credit card.
A fun resource for pupils to make as a start of term or new class activity to share with friends/teacher and create a colourful display where every child can be represented.
I used this template with KS2 pupils but it can also be used with KS1.
Set of 128 fun activity cards for the pupils who always finish before the rest of the class. The activities are easy to organise (just cut out, laminate and put in a lovely box) answers can be written in a jotter, busy book or on activity paper.
I put these cards in a box in an ‘Early Bird Tray’ with all of the resources the pupils would need eg. a couple of atlases, a tape measure, dictionary, dice, number spinners and some lined and plain paper. I explained the use of the tray to the whole class and gave a brief ‘10 second slot’ at the end of the day for any pupils to share their answers with the class. It was amazing how many finished their class work to get onto the Early Bird Activities!
I have used these cards with Y2,3,4 and lower ability Y5,6.
EYFS/KS1 Beachcombing activity sheet.
Learning objective : I can find and name at least 8 things found on a beach.
A simple observation and identification activity for pupils while on a visit to the beach. Pupils draw what they find in the empty bucket. There is a simple picture/word key at the bottom of the worksheet to help pupils identify 8 common items found on a beach.
EYFS/KS1 school trip template. Simple layout and prompts help pupils create a short review of a school outing or visit with pictures or text. Useful as a follow up to visits when asking pupils to remember sequencing of events, specific aspects of learning and summarising their own views.